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Frequently asked questions about the NIEHS EpiShare can be found below:

  1. What is NIEHS EpiShare?
    NIEHS EpiShare is a site through which you can request specimens and/or data from NIEHS Epidemiology Branch studies.
  2. Who can use the NIEHS EpiShare website?
    Anyone can view the list of studies, summaries, and materials available. Investigators and others who have an NIH account can use their NIH account to log into EpiShare. External users must first register with to obtain an account. Registered users can submit specimen and/or data requests.
  3. What types of data/samples are available?
    The list of studies available can be found at the Study Search page. On each study page, there is a summary of the specimen types and data available.
  4. Can I just request data, but not specimens (and vice versa)?
    Yes, you may request specimens or data, or both. You may also contact us for general inquiries before deciding to request specimens and/or data.
  5. How do I obtain data from the NIEHS data repository?
    1. Register for an account at the NIEHS EpiShare website if you have not already done so.
    2. Login with your account information.
    3. Click on the “Internal Request” button on the homepage.
    4. Fill in and submit the request form. Include a description of the proposed study, your CV and documentation of IRB approval as attached files.

    All requests will be reviewed by the study PI(s) for scientific merit, compliance with ethical and legal issues (i.e., any restrictions in the informed consent of the study subjects), and availability of funding.

  6. How do I obtain samples from the NIEHS Biorepository?
    1. Register for an account at the NIEHS EpiShare website if you have not already done so.
    2. Login with your account information.
    3. For requests by users associated with the NIEHS, click on the "Internal Request" button on the homepage. For all other users, click on the "Request Specimens" button on the homepage.
    4. Fill in and submit the request form. External users must include a description of the proposed study, CV, and documentation of IRB approval as attached files.

    EpiShare will contact the requestor for additional information, if necessary, after performing a preliminary search for the requested samples.

    All external requests will be reviewed by the study PI(s) for scientific merit, compliance with ethical and legal issues (i.e., any restrictions in the informed consent of the study subjects), availability of funding, and availability of the requested biospecimens.

  7. Which fields are required on the request form?
    The fields marked with * are required fields. If you are in the information-gathering stage of a specimen request and want more information on what specimens are available, the shipping information can be left blank. Fill in as much information as possible about the specimens you are interested in.
  8. How soon will I get a response after submitting a request?
    Generally, you should expect to receive a response from an EpiShare staff member within 2 business days of submission.
  9. Do I have to develop a full study plan and get IRB approval before determining if appropriate samples even exist in the repository?
    At the initial request, the researcher can provide a simplified study plan describing the goals of the research alone with as much information as possible (i.e., requirements for specimen type, minimum volumes etc.) to help determine if and how many specimens meet the requirements of the researcher.
  10. I will have co-investigators from other institutions working with me on the dataset I am requesting. Does NIEHS need IRB approval from each institution separately, or do you just need the IRB approval from the Principal Requestor's institution?
    Whoever receives the data needs IRB approval to work with it. Similarly, each institution needs its own signed agreement form.
  11. If I produce a manuscript using NIEHS data and/or samples, am I required to acknowledge this?
    Researchers producing manuscripts using NIEHS data and/or samples are required to use the general NIEHS Repository acknowledgement. Additional study specific acknowledgements may be required at the discretion of the study investigators.